Monday-Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm / 1:00pm – 4:30pm

Due Dates, Delinquent Bills, and Service Disconnection Date
The Corporation shall mail all bills on or about the 28th of the month. All bills are considered the responsibility of each person signing the Service Application and Agreement Form. All bills shall be due and payable upon receipt and are past due beyond the date indicated on the bill (allowing approximately fifteen (15) days to pay), after which time a penalty shall be applied as described in Section G of the Tariff. Late and/or disconnect notices will NOT be mailed separately. The statements mailed on or about the 28th of each month will serve as the current bill, past due bill, late notice, and disconnect notice. All bills will clearly state the due date of the bill, the day which late charges will be applied (allowing approximately one (1) calendar day grace period), and the day that service will be disconnected if payment in full has not been received (allowing not less than ten (10) additional calendar days). All late charge and disconnection dates will reference the payment due date in relation to the date the action will take place. Example, if the bill states that the payment due date is May 15’th, the statement will read that “late charges will be assessed the next day after the due date” (May 16’th) and that “disconnection of service will occur on the 16’th day past the due date” (May 31’st). If the past due date for the regular or final billing is on a weekend or holiday, the past due date for payment purposes shall be the next day the Corporation office is open for business after said weekend or holiday.
An example of this billing system is that the charges for utility service and water used between March 16th and April 15th will be due on May 15th by 4:30 pm. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, then the payment is considered late if not received by 4:30 pm on the next regular business day.
Meter Readings
The meters are read each month by Sardis personnel and are never estimated. The readings are sent via radio from the meter register to a computer as the technician drives by each meter. Once all of the readings have been collected, the office staff transfers the readings into the billing system. Next, we generate reports that allow us to review each account’s usage prior to sending out bills. Please call if more information is needed.
How To Calculate A Bill
If the meter readings show a usage of 37,480 gallons,
the bill would be calculated as follows:

Usage | Rates |
1. Monthly minimum | $35.47 |
2. Usage between 1-10,000 gal is $5.10/1,000 (10 x 5.10) | $51.00 |
3. Usage between 10,001-20,000 is $5.65/1000 (10 x 5.65) | $56.50 |
4. Usage between 20,001-50,000 is $7.00/1,000 (17.48 x 7.00) | $122.36 |
5. Total bill is the sum of all the above | = $265.33 |